Good morning !
I am Calypso FRYC (Zellgarm by my artist name), I was born in Lille (France) in 1991.
I always loved to draw. I headed in high school towards drawing studies ; not so easy form me, but it allowed me to test many illustration techniques. Unfortunately, Art Universities were too expensive, so I headed to study the History of Art and Archeology... What a failure haha!
Then I decided to go to study library sciences. Having always loved books and of course reading, I flourished there for 3 years to obtain my Professional License in Library Management .
Following this training, I had the chance to find a job as a librarian (specialized in children and comics / manga). I really liked the job: creating exhibitions from scratch, communicating, advising; it was nice to go to work. But my passion for drawing never left and my growing desire to go at conventions to sell my art was not compatible with my working hours.
A choice had to be made, and thanks to the many encouragements from those around me, I gave up the job security of a civil servant to direct myself towards the life of an artist.
It was in 2016. And today, I live fully from my work as an illustrator . ♥

All illustrations were done in traditional.
The tools used are not numerous:
▪ HB pencil;
▪ Eraser;
▪ Sakura Pigma Micron 005;
▪ Pelikan Indian inks
▪ Watercolors Lefranc & Bourgeois - Kuretake;
▪ Canson papers.
My favorite subjects are the anatomy of fantastic creatures and metamorphoses.
I spend between 25 and 50 hours on an illustration. This is equivalent to two weeks of work.
The time includes the preliminary sketches, the elaboration of the texts and the inking.
I like to illustrate in order to create a qualitative work.
The first is The Fantastic Peregrinations of Sir Pebbleton .
And I hope to be able to release other books afterwards!


Wykrog has encouraged me since the very beginning of Zellgarm. She helps me work on Zellgarm's communication. Social networks are essential as an artist to make yourself known and share your work. The algorithms are very capricious and it can be difficult to keep up to date with changes on a regular basis.
Wykrog is also often present as a backup at big events such as Made In Asia in Brussels or Japan Expo in Paris.
These are my dogs! You will never see them in the salon, but know that while they don't actually help me work, they are a great emotional support.
Honestly, I couldn't see myself not mentioning them.
My Dear and Lovely Husband, Axel DESCAMPS, follows my work as an illustrator with implication and regularly gives me sound advice (which I follow most of the time haha).
Our complicity is such that he produced, as an author, all the texts present in Les Pérégrinations Fantastiques de Sir Pebbleton .
Zellgarm wouldn't be where it is without him.